We’re excited to offer you the opportunity to bring home one of these beautiful and loving babies. Browse our available puppies and learn more about this amazing Beagle breed.



The origin of the word “beagle” remains uncertain. Some theories suggest it could have derived from the French word “begueule,” meaning open throat, or the Old English word “beag,” meaning small. Others propose it may have come from the French word “beugler,” meaning to bellow, or the German word “begele,” meaning to scold.

The breed’s history is also shrouded in ambiguity, as the concept of modern breeds didn’t fully develop until the 19th century. Ancient Greek documents from 400 B.C. mention Beagle-like dogs, and it is believed that the Romans brought small rabbit-hunting hounds to England and crossed them with local hounds. These small hounds, possibly the ancestors of Beagles and Foxhounds, were introduced by William the Conqueror during the Norman Conquest in 1066. Beagles gained popularity early in English history. During the reigns of Edward II and Henry VII, tiny Glove Beagles were in vogue, said to be small enough to fit in a gloved hand. Singing Beagles were also named for their melodious voices. Elizabeth I kept packs of Pocket Beagles, standing only 9 inches tall, depicted in paintings as short-legged and pointy-nosed. However, they fell out of favor due to their lack of speed. In the 1700s, the Foxhound took precedence over the Beagle in England, as fox hunting became the favored sport. The breed would have declined further if not for farmers in England, Ireland, and Wales, who kept Beagle packs for hunting hare and rabbits, preventing their extinction. In the mid-1800s, Reverend Phillip Honeywood established a Beagle pack in Essex, England, believed to be the ancestors of modern Beagles. Reverend Honeywood focused on hunting skills, not appearance. Concurrently, American breeders imported Beagles from England to improve their own dogs’ looks. They bred them smaller for rabbit hunting, leading to strains like the “Patch” Beagle, known for its large tri-colored spot and speed. The American Kennel Club and the first Beagle specialty club were founded in 1884. In the same year, the AKC started registering Beagles. In 1916, members of the National Beagle Club purchased land in Virginia to hold field trials, which is now the site of many activities for the National Beagle Club.


The American Kennel Club acknowledges two Beagle varieties based on height. The 13-inch variety is reserved for hounds not surpassing 13 inches in shoulder height, while the 15-inch variety is for hounds standing between 13 and 15 inches at the shoulder. Depending on their height, Beagles weigh anywhere from 18 to 30 pounds. Beagles are small to medium-sized dogs with short, smooth coats that come in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, and tan.

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Beagles exhibit a gentle, sweet, and humorous nature that can bring plenty of laughter. However, their mischievous behavior may sometimes lead to moments of frustration. Beagle owners often find themselves attempting to outsmart their clever companions and resorting to food rewards to encourage temporary obedience. Just like any dog, early socialization is crucial for Beagles. Exposing them to diverse people, sights, sounds, and experiences during their youth helps ensure they grow into well-rounded and balanced adults. 

The Beagle temperament is characterized by a friendliness, playfulness, intelligence, and a happy-go-lucky spirit. Originally from England, Beagles were first bred to track small game, such as rabbits and foxes. This can lead them astray if they catch a scent during outdoor walks, so owners should ensure their dogs are on a leash to prevent them from wandering too far. They are still used for hunting today, but they are also popular as companion dogs. This breed are relatively low-maintenance dogs, and they require regular exercise and grooming.

Training is essential for Beagles, and their intelligence makes them quick learners. However, they can also be independent thinkers and may have a stubborn streak, especially if they catch an intriguing scent during training sessions. Positive reinforcement, especially in the form of tasty treats, works wonders. This breed’s friendly and affectionate nature extends to other animals. Beagles make good companions for other dogs and cats, especially if they are raised together from an early age. Early socialization and positive experiences with other animals can further enhance their amiable disposition.

About Us


I’m called Paul L. Torrence My better half and I are pet sweethearts so we took up the drive to raise these beautiful canine variety to fulfill the necessities of families who will need to claim or add another part to their loved ones. we used to raise Chihuahuas for a long time and in this manner sold the business. After a decade we ran over the Beagle and it was all consuming, instant adoration! Our canines are a piece of our family and are brought up in our home. The little dogs are ruined, solid, cheerful and prepared to play; from our home to yours!

We keep our young doggies current on inoculations up until the hour of delivery and they will have a veterinarian wellbeing check prior to leaving us. Each of our doggies accompany AKC papers and come from champion lines. In spite of the fact that you might not have any desire to show your doggy, family is vital with regards to wellbeing and personality. Reach Us to Find out more



Our numerous long stretches of involvement put us in front of different reproducers as we probably are aware the varieties in and out and we give our young doggies home preparation and helpful preparation . With us being around creatures since from birth and our veterinary involvement in creatures makes you to realize that you are at the ideal locations and you will get an ideal pup.


We have considered and known every one of the hereditary issues of the variety right from their folks. So we do all the vital test for the guardians prior to reproducing them and ensure that after our children are conceived, they are vet checked and all essential shots are given to them . Our little dogs accompany a year wellbeing ensure declaration to guarantee you that your pup is absolutely solid and fine..


We are free all day, every day to answer to our clients and answer all essential inquiries they could have. We call and converse with our clients on telephone to explain them on any questions and better comprehension in regards to the variety and our administrations.


It’s hard to resist the appeal of a Beagle’s dark brown or hazel eyes, accompanied by their soft, pleading expression. They exude happiness, outgoingness, and love, traits balanced by their hound nature, which makes them inquisitive, determined, and highly food-focused. While not yappy, they possess three distinct vocalizations—a bark/growl, a baying howl, and a half-baying howl, often used when they spot prey or decide it’s time to wake the neighborhood at 6 a.m. As pack dogs, Beagles generally get along well with other animals and eagerly embrace new human friends. The most significant characteristic of the Beagle is their scenthound nature. Their nose takes precedence, always close to the ground, in constant search of intriguing trails to follow. With approximately 220 million scent receptors compared to our paltry 5 million or so, Beagles possess an exceptional ability to detect scents. Dave Barry humorously referred to his in-laws’ Beagle as “a nose with feet.” This incredible sense of smell has even led to their use at airports, where Beagles patrol baggage-claim areas to sniff out contraband food. Their small, friendly, and cute demeanor puts people at ease, allowing them to focus on specific food articles while disregarding non-contraband items. Despite their versatility, Beagles remain exceptional hunters of small game. AKC-sanctioned field trials at the National Beagle Club’s Institute Farm and similar activities in many other countries put breeders with packs to the test. These trials showcase the Beagle’s superb hunting skills. The Beagle’s adaptability makes them suitable for apartment living, provided they receive regular on-leash walks several times a day, regardless of the weather. They thrive with about an hour of exercise daily, and without adequate exercise and attention, they can exhibit destructive behaviors if left alone for extended periods.


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